The Whole Book in One Place - Part 3 of 3 Referential Book by Sanjeev Katariya
Code by Mahdi Pedramrazi and Sanjeev Katariya

Image by By Pierre Cordelle, Senior Associate, Aster

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Testing Code google’s GPU/TPU repo Facebook’s Detectron/FAISS others depending on the SOTA in the area. 3D reconstruction from multiple images Audio-visual speech recognition Augmented reality Augmented reality-assisted surgery Automated optical inspection Automatic image annotation Automatic number plate recognition Automatic target recognition Check weigher Closed-circuit television Computer stereo vision Contextual image classification DARPA LAGR Program Digital video fingerprinting Document mosaicing Facial recognition systems GazoPa Geometric feature learning Gesture recognition Image collection exploration Image retrieval Content-based image retrieval Reverse image search Image-based modeling and rendering Integrated mail processing Iris recognition Machine vision Mobile mapping Navigation system components for: Autonomous cars Mobile robots Object detection Optical braille recognition Optical character recognition Intelligent character recognition Pedestrian detection People counter Physical computing Red light camera Remote sensing Smart camera Traffic enforcement camera Traffic sign recognition Vehicle infrastructure integration Velocity Moments Video content analysis View synthesis Visual sensor network Visual Word Water remote sensing

Image Acquisition Camera Geometry Fundamentals Image geometry Perspective Camera Pesepctive Cameria Models Affine Camera Weak perspective model Examples of Camera Models Color Images Colora Images Tristimilus theory Color Models The Pinhole Camera The pinhole camera Geometric Problems Homogenous coordinates Learning extrinsic parameters Learning intrinsic parameters Inferring 3D world points Multiple Cameras Two view geometry The essential matrix the fundamental matrix two view reconstruction pipeline Rectification Multiview Reconstruction 2D Image Input 2d Input Devices Frame Stores 3D Imaging Depth Maps Stereo Imaging Method of Acquistion Active Stereo Vistion System Image Processing and Feature Extraction Histograms Point operators Group operations Other Statistical Operators Low Level Feature Extraction Per Pixel Transformation Edges, Corners and Interest Points Phase Congruency Localized Feature Extraction Describing Image Motion Descriptors High Level Feature Extraction Thresholding and Subtraction Template Matching Feature extraction by low level features Hough Transform and Its Nature The Generalized Hough transform Setting up the generalized Hough transform Spatial Matched filtering in Images From spatial matched filters to generalize hough transforms gradient weighting vs uniform weighting Fourier Methods Frquencies mean in an image Fourier Theory Convolution Fourier transforms and convolutions Fast fourier transform algorithm Mathematical Morphology Dilation and Erosion in Binary Images Connectedness Mathematical Morphology Grayscale Processing Effect of Noise on Morphological Grouping Opertations Color Morphology Smoothing Noise Fourier Space Smoothing Methods Real Space Smoothing methods Images and Image Operations Image Processing Operations Convolutions and Point Spread Functions Sequential vs Parallel Operations Basic Image Filtering Operations Noise suppression with Gaussian smoothing Median Filters Mode Filters Rank Order Filters Reducing Computational Load Sharp-Unsharp Masking Shifts introducted by Median Filter Discrete Models of Median Shifts Shift introduced by Mode Filters Shifts introducted by mean and Gaussian Fitlers Shifts introduced by Rank order filters Color in Image Filtering Thresholding Techniques Region-Growing Methods Thresholding Adaptive Thresholding Threshold Selection Global Valley APpraoch to Thersholding Historgram Convacity Analysis Edge Detection Basic Theory of Edge Detection Representing Lines Extracing Edges from Images Detecting Edge Points Gradient Based methods Second Order Methods Template Matching Approach Theory of 3x3 template operators Design of Differential Gradient operators Concept of Circular Operator Systemaitc Design of Differential Edge Operators Hytersis Thresholding Edge Models: The Marr-Hildreth Edge Deetector The Canny Operator The Shen-Castan (ISEF) Edge Detector The Laplacian Operator Active Contours Level Set approach to Object Segmentation Graph Cut approach to Segmentation Comparison of two optimal edge detectors Color edges Edge Linking Local Edge linking methods Hough transforms Segmentation Region Splitting Region growing Statistical Region descriptions Invariant measures Corner and Interest Point Detection Template Matching Second Order Derivative Schemes Median Filter Based Corner Detectotr Harris Interest Point Operator Corner Orientation Local Invariant Feature Detectors and Descriptors Models for transformation 2D Tranformational Models Learning in transofmration models Inference in transformation models Geometric problems for planes Tranformations between images Robus learning of transformation Models for Shapes Shape and its representation Deformable Shape analysis Snakes (Active Countours) Shape templates Shape Skeletonization Flexibale Shape Models (Active Shape and Active Appearance) Statistical Shape models Subspace Shape models 3D shape models Statistical models for shape and appearance Non Gaussian statistical shape models Articulated models Models for Style and Identify Subspace Identity Model Probablistic LDA Non linear Identity Models Assymetric Binlinear Models Symmetric bilinear and Multilinear models Temporal Models Temporal Estimation Framework Kalman Filter Unscented Kalman Filter Particle Filter Models for Visual Words Images as collections of visual words bag of words LDA Single Author Topic Model Constellation Models Scene Models Texture Basic Approaches to Texture Analysis Graysavle Co-occurence matrixes Grey-level images Grey level cooruccrentce Edges and texture Surfaces and Texture Fractal Dimension Color Segmentation Color Textures Laws Texture Energy Approach Ade's Eigenfilter approach Appraisal of the Laws and Ade Approaches Texture Description Classification Segementation Thinning Skeletons Medial Exia Transform Iterative Morphological methods The use of contoours Treating as image as a polygon Force based thinning Binary Shape Analysis Connectedness in Binary Images Object Labeling and Counting Size Filtering Distance Functions and their Uses Skeletons and Thinnning Other Measures for Shape Recognition Boundary Tracking Procedures Centroidal Profiles Problems with Centroidal Profile The (s,w) plot Tackling the problem of occlusion Accuracy of Boundary Length Line Detection Applications of Hough Transform to Line Detection The Foot-Of-Normal Method Longitudinal Line Localization Final Line Fitting Using RANSAC for Straight Line Detection Line Labelling Junction Types Labelling an Image Relaxation Labelling Statistical Relaxation Techniques Optical Flow Optical Flow constrain equation Further Constraints Finding the optical flow Circle and Ellipse Detection Hough Based Schemes for Circular Object Detection The Problem of Uknown circular radius The Problem of Accurate Center Location Overcoming the speed problem Ellipse Detection Human Iris Detection Hole Detection Object Recognition Invariants Extended Gaussian Images Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision Wireframe Models Set-Theoretic Modeling Boundary Representation Desirable Model properties for vision Model Based Recognition Tree Search Methods Relaxation Labelling methods Graph Search Object Description Boundary Descriptions Regiion Descriptions Moving Object Description Moving Object Detection Tracking moving features Moving feature extraction and desctiions Image Restoration Image degredation The frequency domain The inverser filter The weinfer filter Structured Noise Motion Blur The holomorphic filter Illumination Symbol recognition ( OCR ) OCR on simple perfect images OCR on scanned images Segemantions OCR on fax images Characters Handprinted characters


Lexical Analysis (Tokenization) Tokenization Scanner Evaluator Obstacles Lexeme Phrase Structure

Morphological Analysis Fundamental Concepts Lexemes and Word Forms Prosodic Word Morphological Word Inflection vs Word Formation Paradigms and Morphosyntax Allomorphy Lexical Morphology Morpholigical Models Morpheme Based Lexeme Based Word Based

Semantic analysis (computational) Explicit semantic analysis Latent semantic analysis Semantic Composition Semantic analytics

Anaphora Resolution Coreference Resolution

Automatic acquisition of lexicon Automatic acquisition of sense-tagged corpora Automatic language identification Automatic taxonomy induction Knowledge Based Population Latent semantic indexing Ontology learning Nested Mention Recognition Topic segmentation and recognition Automatic taxonomy induction (ATI) Document structuring Relationship classification

Entity Alignment Linking Disambiguation Named entity recognition (NER) Mukltigrained NER Resolution

Nym Operations Synonym Discovery Hypernym Discovery Homonym Discovery Antonym Discovery

Extraction Information extraction Text mining Biomedical text mining Decision tree learning Sentence extraction Terminology extraction Keyword Extraction Keyphrase extraction Relationship extraction Relation Mention Extraction

Language Modeling Types Unigram Modeling (Bag of Words Modeling) N-gram Modeling Bidirectional Skip Grams Exponential Neural (Continuous Space) Feedforward Recurrent Positional Applications speech recognition machine translation part-of-speech tagging parsing Optical Character Recognition handwriting recognition information retrieval Other applications. Software Packages Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers CSLM – Free toolkit for feedforward neural language models DALM – Fast, Free software for language model queries Generative Pre-trained Transformer IRSTLM – Free software for language modeling Kylm (Kyoto Language Modeling Toolkit) – Free language modeling toolkit in Java KenLM – Fast, Free software for language modeling LMSharp – Free language model toolkit for Kneser–Ney-smoothed n-gram models and recurrent neural network models MITLM – MIT Language Modeling toolkit. Free software NPLM – Free toolkit for feedforward neural language models OpenGrm NGram library – Free software for language modeling. Built on OpenFst. OxLM – Free toolkit for feedforward neural language models Positional Language Model RandLM – Free software for randomised language modeling RNNLM – Free recurrent neural network language model toolkit SRILM – Proprietary software for language modeling VariKN – Free software for creating, growing and pruning Kneser-Ney smoothed n-gram models. Language models trained on newswire data Web Page NGram Viewer

Intent Detection Classification

Query Operations Expansion Wellformedness

Language Operations Language Aquisition Language Modeling Linguistic Acceptability Natural Language Inference Natural Language Transduction Deep linguistic processing Paraphrase Identification

Lexical Operations Analysis Simplification Normalization

Tagging Part-of-speech tagging Semantic Role Labeling CCG Supertagging


Parsing Shallow parsing AMR parsing Dependency Parsing Action Parsing Semantic Parsing Constituency Parsing

Reading Comprehension

Sentence Operations Sentence breaking (also known as sentence boundary disambiguation and sentence detection) Sentence Embeddings Sentence Compression

Slot filling

Speech segmentation


Text Centric Operations text Classification Automatic document classification (text categorization) text Chunking text Generation text Summarization text Embeddings text Matching text Simplication text Attribute Transfer text Clustering text Effects Transfer Abstractive Text Summarization Text normalization Abstract Argumentation Grammatical Error Correction text Segmentation Word Segmentation Intent Segmentation Sentence Segmentation Topic Segmentation Morpheme Segmentation Paragraph Segmentation Truecasing

Generation Data to Text Generation Table to text generation Graph to Sequence

Embeddings Word Embeddings Sentence and Language Model Based Word Embeddings Phrase Embeddings Sentence Embeddings Phrase Vector Embedding

Word Operations Word alignment word segmentation word Sense disambiguation (WSD) word Sense induction Word Embeddings Complex Word Identification Compound term processing W-shingling

Phrase Operations Phrase Vector Embedding Phrase Embedding Phrase Extraction Phrase Grounding

Automatic summarization Coreference resolution Discourse analysis

Speech recognition Models, Methods and Algorithms Hidden Markov models Dynamic time warping (DTW)-based speech recognition Neural networks Deep feedforward Recurrent neural networks End-to-end automatic speech recognition Performance Applications Speech segmentation Text-to-speech Badly out of date NLP-Overview is an up-to-date overview of deep learning techniques applied to NLP, including theory, implementations, applications, and state-of-the-art results. This is a great Deep NLP Introduction for researchers. NLP-Progress tracks the progress in Natural Language Processing, including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks NLP's ImageNet moment has arrived ACL 2018 Highlights: Understanding Representation and Evaluation in More Challenging Settings Four deep learning trends from ACL 2017. Part One: Linguistic Structure and Word Embeddings Four deep learning trends from ACL 2017. Part Two: Interpretability and Attention Highlights of EMNLP 2017: Exciting Datasets, Return of the Clusters, and More! Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP): Advancements & Trends Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation

The Berkeley NLP Group - Notable contributions include a tool to reconstruct long dead languages, referenced here and by taking corpora from 637 languages currently spoken in Asia and the Pacific and recreating their descendant. Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University - Notable projects include Avenue Project, a syntax driven machine translation system for endangered lnaguages like Quechua and Aymara and previously, Noah's Ark which created AQMAR to imporve NLP tools for Arabic. NLP research group, Columbia University - Responsible for creating BOLT ( interactive error handling for speech translation systems) and an un-named project to characterize laughter in dialogue. The Center or Language and Speech Processing, John Hopkins University - Recently in the news for developing speech recognition software to create a diagnostic test or Parkinson's Disease, here. Computational Linguistics and Information Processing Group, University of Maryland - Notable contributions include Human-Computer Cooperation or Word-by-Word Question Answering and modeling development of phonetic representations. Penn Natural Language Processing, University of Pennsylvania- Famous for creating the Penn Treebank. The Stanford Nautral Language Processing Group- One of the top NLP research labs in the world, notable for creating Stanford CoreNLP and their coreference resolution system